Total Nutrition Concepts






If you want to speed up lean muscle growth, get this one fact straight: Insulin is the most Anabolic (muscle building) of all hormones.† In fact, insulin triggers more lean muscle growth than Anabolic Steroids or Growth Hormone!†

Consequently, the goal of sugar-free SYNTHESIZE® is to promote massive increases in insulin without the use of high glycemic index carbohydrates and thus, prevent insulin resistance. Therefore, SYNTHESIZE®provides a carbohydrate free approach utilizing research-proven compounds to boost insulin that have no adverse effect on blood sugar.† This method keeps the body highly sensitive and responsive to insulin resulting in greater lean muscle growth and destruction of fat tissue.  Efficient insulin metabolism also allows you to continually access stored body fat to use as energy.  The end result of this is a ripped and muscular physique!†


In assembling the pieces of the scientific puzzle, SYNTHESIZE® was formulated to mimic the insulin response generated by high glycemic (high GI) carbs (i.e. sugar) to activate beta-cells and stimulate whole body creative retention! One of the solutions was to use bis-Picolinato Oxo-Vanadium (BPOV) which is a potent form of chemically altered Vanadium that makes beta-cells super responsive to insulin. Additionally, Beta-Alanine was employed to stimulate research-proven whole-body creatine retention! In fact, these two compounds are far more effective than sugar-laden “N.O.” supplements without the unwanted carb-induced side effects – water retention, bloating, and an increase in body fat. You train intensely to get lean, hard, and pumped with crisp, water-free muscle separation, and this is where sugar free SYNTHESIZE® out performs the competition!

Research has proven that the cutting-edge compounds in the SHOTGUN® 5X™ / SYNTHESIZE® Stack work synergistically to effectively stimulate insulin secretion.† VPX® scientists used a carb-free approach to achieve greater receptiveness of the beta-cells by taking advantage of the efficient insulin spiking abilities of protein hydrolysates and the potent anabolic amino acids, L-Leucine. When post-exercise insulin is increased in the presence of protein hydrolydates and leucine, massive amounts of muscle building amino acids flood the blood resulting in significant net protein being deposited into muscle. Finally, the ingestion of creatine in conjunction with proteins and high-GI carbs is no longer required to stimulate whole-body creatine retention! The SHOTGUN® 5X™ / SYNTHESIZE® Stack re-wrote cutting edge carb-free muscle science.†

‡When Stacked with SHOTGUN® 5X™

  • Effects of pre- and post-exercise intake of performance supplements on body composition, circumferences, and muscle strength. Michael J Ormsbee, et. al
  • The impact of a 6-week resistance training program with pre- and post-exercise performance supplementation on cardiovascular risk, blood lipids, and fasting blood glucose. Jeong-Su Kim, et. al

Recommended Use: 
Mix one scoop of SYNTHESIZE® with 8 to 10 ounces of water or your favorite beverage. SYNTHESIZE® can be used as a stand alone product or stacked together with SHOTGUN® 5X™ prior to any type of athletic event or resistance training. Consume SYNTHESIZE® during and after training. Other (Nitric Oxide) supplements may require several scoops; however, SYNTHESIZE® is extremely powerful and requires only one scoop. The SHOTGUN® 5X™ / SYNTHESIZE® STACK should always be utilized 30 minutes prior to resistance training. The SHOTGUN® 5X™ and SYNTHESIZE® supplement strategy represents the most advanced and latest research on muscle growth and athletic performance.